God has been doing some amazing things here at Thanksgiving and we feel that the best is yet to come!
We want to provide you with an update on the NOW Vision Campaign. Here is our most recent update.
A Facility Initiative Team has been assembled to work with the architectural firm of “Building God’s Way” (BGW) and “Great West General Contractors”. Photos and a view of the floor plan is shown below.
Every “ONE”
makes a difference!
The number of “ONES” that you have committed to making a relational investment in.
The number of participants that have made a financial commitment to the
NOW Vision Campaign.
Total dollar amount committed.
Ready to make your NOW Contribution?
My NOW Commitment
As you anticipate making your commitment ask yourself, “How much am I willing to trust God and how does God want to work through me?” Discern God’s will by taking these steps:
Begin each day with prayer.
“Lord, would you have me give sacrificially? Show me how to give a gift that will stretch my faith and be obedient to you.”
Give yourself time.
The more you sincerely pray this prayer, the more ways God will strengthen your faith in Christ. Take time to listen to God’s leading.
Talk with your spouse and/or family about Biblical giving.
Consider these scriptures:
Proverbs 3:9-10; Proverbs 11:24-25; Matthew 6:19-20;
Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 8:1-12; 2 Corinthians 9:6-12
Prepare for your Commitment.
Prayerfully ask: “How can we decrease expenses or increase our income to increase our commitment.
Prepare for Celebration Weekend.
Prayerfully ask: “How much can I contribute as my initial gift to our NOW Vision Campaign? Should I consider converting items into a financial gift?
Are you ready to step into what God has next?
We are now accepting commitments and celebrating the ONES we are praying for.
Use the button below to make your commitment.
The NOW Guide Book is your resource for all the details about the NOW Vision Campaign, in addition we have included a six-week devotional to follow as we navigate through the NOW Message Series.

If you missed the introduction in services on April 23-24th, 2022. Click HERE to watch Pastor David & Pastor Billy explain the details.
NOW Vision Campaign Launch
NOW Vision Campaign Questions Answered
Pastor David led a Vision Gathering in Spring of 2022 to explain more in detail about the NOW Vision Campaign. Click below to watch on of the gatherings.
Thanksgiving Church Worship
has a new song, listen here.
Available for Download on Spotify

“And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile.
Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.”
Jeremiah 29:7
Ways That You Can Engage
Who Is Your One?
We are asking the church to make a relational investment in others. We have been challenged with the idea of reaching out to ONE. Your ONE is a person whom God has laid on your heart to pray for, come alongside and share life with. You are encouraged to identify your ONE. To assist you, we will be offering a Weekly Devotional, complete with a Daily Prayer Guide, Tips for Engagement, and Additional Prayer, Meditation and Worship resources.
Pray With Us
We are asking you to pray for the church and for the NOW Vision Campaign. A prayer guide will be available beginning April 23. This campaign is ultimately about welcoming people into the family of God with the transforming work of Jesus Christ. In order to build and create a connecting venue and community engagement, finances are an important part of the vision. As we approach commitment weekend on May 14–15, pray for God to lay on your heart how you can contribute financially to the NOW Vision Initiative.
Plan Your Finances
We continue to be so grateful for the consistent generosity of Thanksgiving. We understand that as we begin our 3-year NOW Vision Initiative, we are asking you for additional financial sacrifice and we do not take that lightly. As we begin this journey together, we are providing a basic budgeting tool to help you begin to assess if there are ways to partner with us financially.
What is the NOW Vision Campaign?
We believe that now is the time to take a significant step relationally and financially in our vision to impact our local community through the sacrificial love of Jesus. Throughout the campaign, we are asking everyone at Thanksgiving to consider partnering together in three significant investments.
Invest Relationally
Everything about this campaign is envisioned for your ONE — the one person that you feel led to pray for and engage with who may not know Jesus. We ask you to have your ONE at the forefront of your prayers and your mind as we journey together through NOW.
Invest in Our Community
As we continue to engage as a community partner in Bellevue, we believe that now is the time to purchase the Light House in Olde Towne Bellevue while we continue to build relationships with local school and community organizations.
Invest in Creating Connections
A significant aspect of our facility improvements is to create a Connecting Venue on our campus that can be used by families, youth, senior citizens and local organizations to gather and connect. The Connecting Venue will be one-of-a-kind in Bellevue and will provide new opportunities for us to share our hospitable spirit with our community and one another.
We are asking you to prayerfully consider joining your Thanksgiving Church family in making two commitments. The first is a relational commitment to be praying for and developing a relationship with at least one person in your life that doesn’t yet know Jesus. This is a crucial component of Thanksgiving Church’s DNA of living a lifestyle of Up (relationship with God), In (relationship with our church family), and Out (relationship with our ones). The second is a sacrificial financial commitment above and beyond your regular giving to the church. We are not asking for equal gifts from all in our church family, but rather equal sacrifice consistent with how God has blessed you financially. We are hoping for 100% participation with these two commitments from our church family!
Our pastors, senior staff leaders, and church council engaged in a multi-year process to establish the Taking New Ground vision for Thanksgiving Church. As a part of this vision several initiative teams have been launched exploring things like how we welcome our guests on the weekend, how we structure worship services, retooling our church campus buildings, online presence, and so much more. The Now Vision Campaign is the next step in Taking New Ground.
Our mission at Thanksgiving is to be a church that reaches out and gathers people into God’s family as well as equips disciples. Accomplishing that mission involves us following the lead of Jesus in meeting people where they are and allowing the Holy Spirit to show them how and where to move. There is much that can facilitate that process and much that can hinder it. We believe the Lighthouse acquisition and the campus changes will better facilitate gathering, connecting, equipping, and training those whom God is calling.
One need that we believe will remain for the church and those we serve going forward is space for connection, community, and worshipping together. This need will be even more prevalent considering the challenges we have all faced the past few years. The retooling of our campus will add significant multi-use community space, a more dynamic and accessible worship experience on the weekends, and will remove obstacles to connecting with each other and our guests on campus. We believe these changes and upgrades to the campus are vital in our mission to reach one more for Jesus and connect with our community. Several initiative teams, prayer and discernment retreats, reading and research, discussions with professional consultants and architects, and the touring of other church campuses have contributed to each of the planned changes to our campus.
Our leadership team diligently sought a way to approach this project in phases. However, due to the nature of these campus changes, how they all interconnect, it makes more fiscal sense to accomplish them together in one project. Responsible adjustments to the project details will be made if needed.
We are trusting God to provide all that we need for this campaign. We do anticipate the plan will involve some long-term debt. This will be done responsibly just as it has in the past at Thanksgiving Church. Interest rates remaining low will help allow for manageable payments that should be fully funded with campaign dollars. The debt and financing plan to accomplish the Now Vision Campaign will be similar to when our church added the Family Life Center and associated space nearly 20 years ago.
Our campaign goal of $2.5 million will fund approximately one third of the campus changes we have planned, so we do anticipate needing additional campaigns in the years to come. This plan is consistent with previous campaigns to fund campus changes most notably the addition of the Family Life Center (now called the Worship Center and our Explorers lower level). God has always worked through this congregation to bring His vision to reality.
After witnessing the sacrificial gift of our church family work will begin. We have been working with our architect for some time now, and the project will start as soon as our contractor’s schedule allows.
Our leadership team will work diligently to keep disruptions to our current worship services and weekly events to a minimum. We will need to adapt in some ways as construction progresses, and we see those temporary adaptations as a sacrifice we can all make to take new ground for the Kingdom!