We truly appreciate you taking the time to learn more about us. We understand that visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating. Our desire is to make it as stress-free as possible. Below is some information to help you to navigate your first visit. If you have any questions prior to your visit, please complete the Contact Us form at the bottom of this page.
Join us for Worship!
Our worship services times are the same for on-campus and for our live streams. Each service lasts about an hour, and all of our services have Communion the first and third weekend each month. To learn what that looks like, see the “Communion” section on this page.
Saturday 5:00 pm
Contemporary Service
Sunday 8:30am, Heritage Service
This is a traditional liturgical service.
Sunday 10:30am, Contemporary Service
We are located at the corner of Hwy 370 and 36th Street in Bellevue. You can follow this link for driving directions.
Watch Online
There are several options to view our services online. You can simply click here and watch any live service or view any previously recorded services at your convenience.
Facebook Live:
Our Sunday services are both streamed on our Facebook page. Follow our page to be notified whenever we go live.
Roku, AppleTV, Firestick:
Our services can be found on your smart TV. Simply download the Boxcast app and then search for Thanksgiving Church in the app.
Additional Info
We have a casual environment here. You will see everything from jeans and t-shirts to business casual attire.
Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper, is a time during the service for followers of Christ to receive assurance of God’s presence and forgiveness. We take Communion on the first and third weekend each month. Anyone who considers themselves a believer in Jesus is invited to receive Communion. As you enter the worship area, there is a table where you can pick up Communion elements. Communion usually occurs after the sermon. A pastor will give instructions during Communion. You will take Communion at your seat.

Parents can worship with their children in service or take advantage of our Explorers Children’s Ministry
We offer our nursery at all services for infant to 3-year-olds and our Children’s Ministry for Pre-K through 6th Grade during the 10:30 service. When you arrive, please ask a greeter to help you navigate to the right location.
Still have questions?
We’d love to help in any way we can!